A Transcript of Rule of Court from the Tuam Herald: Saturday, August 28, 1847 (link)
The following are the convictions that have taken place at the late Assizes of this county -
John Gurham; burglary, to be transported for 7 years.
James Power, larceny, do (ditto)
John Kelly, maiming cattle, do
Mary Kelly, manslaughter, to be transported for life
Owen O'Donnell, larceny, to be imprisoned for nine months from committal and kept to hard labour
Mary Fanillon, larceny, to be transported for 7 years
Thomas Flanaghan, larceny, do
Ellen Toole, larceny, do
Mary Grealy, larceny, do
Michael Fahy, larceny, to be imprisoned for 12 months from committal, and kept to hard labour
John Doherty, larceny, do
Patrick King, larceny, do
Patrick Curley, larceny, to be imprisoned two years from committal and kept to hard labour
Jane Murphy, larceny, to be transported for 7 years
Mary McDonagh, larceny, do
Patrick Reilly, larceny, do
Martin Smyth, larceny, do
Laurence Malloy, larceny, do
James Carr, stealing a lamb, do
John Burke, do, do
Thomas Fahy, murder - Insane - to remain in custody until the pleasure of the Lord Lieutenant be known
Michael and Martin Moley, burglary, to be transported each for seven years
Edward Madden, robbery, to be transported for four years.
Thomas Glynn, robery, do
Michael Farahan, larceny, do
Edward Hynes, larceny, do
John Moore, cattle stealing, do
Bridget Honghegan, larceny, do
John Hannlon, do, to be imprisoned two years from committal
Michael Tream, do, three months and kept to hard labour
Michael O'Dowd, do 18 months and hard labour
James Nealon, horse stealing 18 months and hard labour
Patrick Fahy, assault, 6 months and hard labour
John Border, assault, 2 months and hard labour
John Kennedy, do 6 do
Peter Conry, stealing a lamb 8 months and hard labour
John Mullin, cattle stealing, 18 months from committal, and kept to hard labour
M Stankard, killing a lamb 18 months from committal and kept to hard labour
Patrick Quinn, larceny, 3 months & hard labour.
Mary Dunegan, do 3 do
Bridget Des, do 12 do
Mary Loftus, do 12 do
Mary Devany, do 8 do
Patrick Devany, do 8 do
Denis Hernan, do 12 do
John Forde, assault, one fortnight from first day of the assizes
Thadeus Forde. do. do.
James Mullen, larceny, 18 months from committal
James Tighe, do 12 do
M McDonagh sheep stealing 18 months from committal
Patrick Walsh, larceny to be transported for 7 years
Judy Conneeny, cattle stealing do
John King, killing sheep do
John Lynch, cattle stealing do
James Lynch, do do
Patrick Lynch do do
Michael Walsh do do
Roger Keneavy, sheep stealing do
John Canavan do do
Bridget Hughs, larceny do
Catherine Toole do do
John Forde, assault, one fortnight from first day of the assizes
Thadeus Forde. do. do.
James Mullen, larceny, 18 months from committal
James Tighe, do 12 do
M McDonagh sheep stealing 18 months from committal
Patrick Walsh, larceny to be transported for 7 years
Judy Conneeny, cattle stealing do
John King, killing sheep do
John Lynch, cattle stealing do
James Lynch, do do
Patrick Lynch do do
Michael Walsh do do
Roger Keneavy, sheep stealing do
John Canavan do do
Bridget Hughs, larceny do
Catherine Toole do do
Ok, taking account of the whole page, deleting the male prisoners and women sentenced to hard labour, in sequence the women below were sentenced for transportation:.
1. Mary Kelly, manslaughter, to be transported for life
2. Mary Fanillon, larceny, to be transported for 7 years
3. Ellen Toole, larceny, ditto
4. Mary Grealy, larceny, ditto
5. Jane Murphy, larceny, to be transported for 7 years
6. Mary McDonagh, larceny, ditto
...to be transported for four years.
7. Bridget Honghegan, larceny, ditto
...to be transported for 7 years
8. Judy Conneeny, cattle stealing, ditto
9. Bridget Hughs, larceny ditto
10. Catherine Toole do ditto
Ref. p3 the Galway Assizes, Transcript of "Rule of Court" from the Tuam Herald: Saturday, August 28, 1847
A transcript of TR 7, p 215 "Female Convicts County Galway 1847" in order on page
Name, Age, When Convicted, Term of Transportation, Crime, By whom Tried, Remarks
Mary Kelly, 34, 18/8/1847, Life,
Ok, taking account of the whole page, deleting the male prisoners and women sentenced to hard labour, in sequence the women below were sentenced for transportation:.
1. Mary Kelly, manslaughter, to be transported for life
2. Mary Fanillon, larceny, to be transported for 7 years
3. Ellen Toole, larceny, ditto
4. Mary Grealy, larceny, ditto
5. Jane Murphy, larceny, to be transported for 7 years
6. Mary McDonagh, larceny, ditto
...to be transported for four years.
7. Bridget Honghegan, larceny, ditto
...to be transported for 7 years
8. Judy Conneeny, cattle stealing, ditto
9. Bridget Hughs, larceny ditto
10. Catherine Toole do ditto
Ref. p3 the Galway Assizes, Transcript of "Rule of Court" from the Tuam Herald: Saturday, August 28, 1847
A transcript of TR 7, p 215 "Female Convicts County Galway 1847" in order on page
Name, Age, When Convicted, Term of Transportation, Crime, By whom Tried, Remarks
Mary Kelly, 34, 18/8/1847, Life,