Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Some command line stuff

ls -ltTR | awk '{print ""substr($0,index($0,$10))""","$6" "$7" "$8", "$9", "$5}' > folderlist.csv

Monday, August 14, 2017

New favourite words and things

empennage |ɛmˈpɛnɪdʒ|
noun Aeronautics (from the OED). An arrangement of stabilizing surfaces at the tail of an aircraft.
ORIGIN: early 20th century: from French, from empenner ‘to feather an arrow’, from em- ‘in’ + penne ‘a feather’ (from Latin penna).empennage |ɛmˈpɛnɪdʒ|

Stratospheric mountain waves (link)