Monday, April 29, 2013

Updating the minecraft.jar file on a Mac

So the Minecraft files on a Mac are stored in
~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/ 
In the command sequence below you can see the space " " in Application Support is actually present but represented by the forward slash escape sequence to force the space to be read in at the command line).

An easy way to get there is, from the Finder > Go > Go to folder; and enter "/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin".
Another way is to use the Finder shortcut "cmd+shift+G", and enter "/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/minecraft/bin".

Anyway, the above gets you to the installation folder.

To install the minecraftforge mod pack access the latest .jar and launch it. The new installer finds your Minecraft files and unpacks/downloads the files to the right location.

The following notes applied to pre-1.5.2 Minecraft...

cd ~/Desktop
jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar *


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Home energy saving measures.

Our annual usage 2017-18:
3,172 kWh - electricity from 8-Jun-2017 to 16-Jun-2018
7,049 kWh - gas from 8-Jun-2017 to 16-Jun-2018 (635m3 x 11.1 conversion factor)

Compared to a typical national market estimate for an average household of 5,300kWh electricity and 13,800kWh (source:

Our annual usage 2015-16:
3,024 kWh - electricity from 23-Jul-2015 to 21-Jul-2016
6,100 kWh - gas from 22-Dec-2015 to 22-Dec-2016

Use the SEAI BEH self assessment survey (link). Result: No recommendations. The house already has:

  • Solar hot water heating for hot water cylinder.
  • High efficiency condensing gas boiler system for primary heating and hot water.
  • > 4 inches of glass fibre ceiling insulation in the attic.
  • Mixed Solid Wall and Hollow Block and Timber Frame construction.

Checklist the SEAI credits list (pdf file, link).

Own plan as follows:

  • Replace halogen low voltage MR16 bulbs/transformers with GU10 high efficiency LED bulbs on direct 240v supply.
  • Fit additional ceiling insulation in the attic.
  • Complete upgrade of windows and front door (street side, North facing).
  • Fit shutter blinds to internal window frames.
  • Computer logging of internal temperature, electricity supply, weather station data.
  • Conduct thermal survey of the house.

Our goal, perhaps unrealisable, is to get near the Passivhaus requirement for energy-consumption of 120 W/m²/K.

Passive House on Wikipedia (link)
W/m²/K is Watts per square metre per kelvin; see Wikipedia on thermal transmittance (link)